Let us introduce you to a healthy, vibrant and living future.

We have searched for a way to change and adapt to the needs of our deteriorating world, actively fighting against global warming.

The use of cutting-edge technology combined with sustainable materials and practices shaped the idea we had in mind, a new way of moving around that is practical, economical and friendly with the environment.

01 Practical

Long-lasting batteries, anti-slippery coating, and foldable. Our e-scooters are made specifically for the city. Reach everywhere in a fast, practical, and economical way.

02 Extra Light

1 stone. As light as a rucksack, our foldable e-scooters are easy to carry with you anywhere you go. Worry no more, take your new e-bike with you in the underground, or just put it in a suitcase.

03 Eco Friendly

Our e-scooters produce no harmful emissions. Reduce your carbon footprint and scoot off anywhere in the city while protecting Mother Earth.


It takes charge to change and reduce our carbon footprint. We make our e-scooters with cutting-edge technology to ensure they won't run out of charge when you need it the most. Our long-lasting batteries have a lifespan of 72 hours. Join us in our fight against global warming and move around London like you never have before.

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